  1. Event Bus

In-Process Event Bus Pattern (Pub/Sub)

If you'd like to take an event driven approach to building your application, you have the option to publish events and have completely decoupled Event-Handlers take action when events are published. An event can have more than one handler and has a one-to-many relationship. Due to the nature of pub/sub event bus pattern, handlers cannot return any results back to the caller/publisher.

1. Define An Event Model/ DTO

This is the data contract that will be delivered to the subscribers/event-handlers.

public class OrderCreatedEvent
    public string OrderID { get; set; }
    public string CustomerName { get; set; }
    public decimal OrderTotal { get; set; }

2. Define An Event Handler

This is the code that will be executed when events of the above DTO type gets published.

public class OrderCreationHandler : IEventHandler<OrderCreatedEvent>
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public OrderCreationHandler(ILogger<OrderCreationHandler> logger)
        _logger = logger;

    public Task HandleAsync(OrderCreatedEvent eventModel, CancellationToken ct)
        _logger.LogInformation($"order created event received:[{eventModel.OrderID}]");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

You can create as many implementations of IEventHandler<OrderCreatedEvent> as you like, and they all are receivers/subscribers of the OrderCreatedEvent. No other boilerplate (explicit subscription registration) is necessary.

3. Publish The Event

Simply hand in an event model to the PublishAsync() method.

public class CreateOrderEndpoint : Endpoint<CreateOrderRequest>
    public override void Configure()

    public override async Task HandleAsync(CreateOrderRequest req, CancellationToken ct)
        var orderID = await orderRepo.CreateNewOrder(req);

        await PublishAsync(new OrderCreatedEvent
            OrderID = orderID,
            CustomerName = req.Customer,
            OrderTotal = req.OrderValue

        await SendOkAsync();

The PublishAsync() Method

The PublishAsync() method has an overload that will take a Mode enum that lets you specify whether to wait for all subscribers to finish; wait for any subscriber to finish; or wait for none of the subscribers to finish.

For example, you can publish an event in a fire-n-forget manner with the following:

await PublishAsync(eventModel, Mode.WaitForNone);

The default mode is Mode.WaitForAll which will await all subscribers. I.e. execution will only continue after each and every subscriber of the event has completed their work.

Publish From Anywhere

It is possible to publish events even from outside of endpoints by marking the event model with the IEvent interface, which would provide PublishAsync() as an extension method.

public class OrderCreatedEvent : IEvent { ... }
await new OrderCreatedEvent
    OrderID = "12345",
    CustomerName = "scarlet johanson",
    OrderTotal = 123.45m

Dependency Injection

Dependencies in event handlers can be resolved as described here.

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