  1. Server Sent Events

Server Sent Events

Server Sent Events (SSE) can be used to push real-time data down to the web browser in an async manner without blocking threads using the IAsyncIEnumerable interface like so:

public class EventStream : EndpointWithoutRequest
    public override void Configure()
        Options(x => x.RequireCors(p => p.AllowAnyOrigin()));

    public override async Task HandleAsync(CancellationToken ct)
        //simply provide any IAsyncEnumerable<T> as argument
        await SendEventStreamAsync("my-event", GetDataStream(ct), ct);

    private async IAsyncEnumerable<object> GetDataStream([EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken ct)
        while (!ct.IsCancellationRequested)
            await Task.Delay(1000);
            yield return new { guid = Guid.NewGuid() };

In the browser, the event stream can be subscribed to and consumed using the EventSource object like so:

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8" />
			const sse = new EventSource('http://localhost:8080/event-stream');
			sse.addEventListener('my-event', (e) => console.log(;

If you are planning to create more than a handful of server-sent-event streams, it's a good idea to enable HTTP2 in kestrel and all upstream servers such as reverse proxies and CDNs so that data can be multiplexed between the web server and client using a low number of tcp connections.

Here's a good read on the subject.

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