  1. File Handling

File Handling

Handling File Uploads

The following example relays back the image data uploaded to the endpoint in order to demonstrate both receiving and sending of file data:

public class MyEndpoint : Endpoint<MyRequest>
    public override void Configure()

    public override async Task HandleAsync(MyRequest req, CancellationToken ct)
        if (Files.Count > 0)
            var file = Files[0];

            await SendStreamAsync(
                stream: file.OpenReadStream(),
                fileName: "test.png",
                fileLengthBytes: file.Length,
                contentType: "image/png");

        await SendNoContentAsync();

Endpoints by default won't allow "multipart/form-data" content uploads. You'd have to enable file uploads by using the AllowFileUploads() method in the handler configuration like shown above. The received files are exposed to the endpoint handler via the Files property which is of IFormFileCollection type.

Binding Files To DTO

File data can also be automatically bound to the request DTO by simply adding an IFormFile property with a matching name.

public class MyRequest
    public int Width { get; set; }
    public int Height { get; set; }
    public IFormFile File1 { get; set; }
    public IFormFile File2 { get; set; }
    public IFormFile File3 { get; set; }

Collections of form files can be bound by adding properties of the following types to the DTO as well:

public class MyRequest
    public IEnumerable<IFormFile> Cars { get; set; }
    public List<IFormFile> Boats { get; set; }    
    public IFormFileCollection Jets { get; set; }

When submitting collections of form files, the incoming field names can be one of the following 3 formats:

Format One Format Two Format Three
# 1 Cars Boats[1] Jets[]
# 2 Cars Boats[2] Jets[]

Handling Large File Uploads

In ASP.NET, accessing IFormFileCollection or IFormFile causes the complete uploaded file to be read from the request stream and buffered to either memory or disk.

You can avoid this buffering and reduce server resource utilization by manually reading the multipart file sections with the combination of AllowFileUploads(dontAutoBindFormData: true) and FormFileSectionsAsync() methods as shown below:

public class Upload : EndpointWithoutRequest
    public override void Configure()
        AllowFileUploads(dontAutoBindFormData: true); //turns off buffering

    public override async Task HandleAsync(CancellationToken ct)
        await foreach (var section in FormFileSectionsAsync(ct))
            if (section is not null)
                using (var fs = System.IO.File.Create(section.FileName))
                    await section.Section.Body.CopyToAsync(fs, 1024 * 64, ct);

        await SendOkAsync("upload complete!");

You may also need to increase the max request body size in kestrel to allow large file uploads like so:


bld.WebHost.ConfigureKestrel(o =>
    o.Limits.MaxRequestBodySize = 1073741824; //set to max allowed file size of your system

Reading form-field values together with file data

When you turn off buffering, no automatic form-field value binding will occur either. If the incoming request contains form-file data as well as regular form-fields, you can use the FormMultipartSectionsAsync() method to obtain those values by iterating the provided async stream of MultipartSections like so:

await foreach (var sec in FormMultipartSectionsAsync(ct))
    //reading the value of a form field
    if (sec.IsFormSection && sec.FormSection.Name == "formFieldName")
        var formFieldValue = await sec.FormSection.GetValueAsync(ct);

    //obtaining the stream of a file
    if (sec.IsFileSection && sec.FileSection.Name == "fileFieldName")
        var fileStream = sec.FileSection.FileStream;

Sending File Responses

There are 3 methods you can use to send file data down to the client.

  • SendStreamAsync() - supply a System.IO.Stream to this method for reading binary data from.

  • SendFileAsync() - supply a System.IO.FileInfo instance as the source of the binary data.

  • SendBytesAsync() - supply a byte array as the source of data to be sent to the client.

All 3 methods allow you to optionally specify the content-type and file name.

If file name is specified, the Content-Disposition: attachment response header will be set with the given file name so that a file download will be initiated by the client/browser.

Range requests/ partial responses are also supported by setting the enableRangeProcessing parameter to true.

Write To Response Stream

Instead of using the above methods, you also have the choice of writing directly to the http response stream.


See here for an example project that stores and retrieves images in MongoDB.

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